Wednesday, December 1, 2010

hi world it's me

Well I've written many different things in my sixteen years on this planet: essays in English and Irish,debates,poetry, shorts stories,articles,even book reviews.I've never written a blog before( forgive me if i make a blogging faux-pas here and there :p). The idea that I should blog came from my summer bucket list which got mainly completed except  for the blogging (and finishing my short story). In typical Chloe fashion I'm about 5 months late in actually doing what i set out to do. Currently I'm surfing the other blogs trying to find other first blogs and see if i can glean any information. Unfortunately being both stubborn( i'm refusing to look at the help center) and not particularly good at technology I can't seem find any first blogs. So I will do as i normally do when I have no idea what's going on-Bullshit (can i say that?well I've said it now...too late).
So some things about me...
1.I'm staring out the window looking at all the snow (Yay snow!(as you might be able to tell we don't get much snow in ireland)) wishing I could run around in it without a)looking like a five year old B)falling flat on my face.
2.While I'm procrastinating about writing this blog, i'm also putting off studying for upcoming exams.
3.I am a klutz...
4. I am short which means people treat me as though i am younger but also means people are more likely to do my bidding.
5. I am noisy ,there is hardly ever a moment when i don't talk or sing or make some kind of noise. I like silence but am incapable or mastering it.
6. I love languages English, Irish, German, French. Being able express your self in many languages is all ways fun.mind you i'm only really fluent in English-still learning the others.
that's pretty much all there is really important to know about me

phew, well that wasn't so hard. I'm off now to actually study.
ciao for now


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